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About Orion Kay Linn

Orion Kay Linn was born and raised in Michigan and has been an avid reader and writer since an early age. As a child, she first wanted to own her own newspaper, but this quickly changed to wanting to be an author of novels as she fell in love with authors such as Stephen King, Neil Gaiman, Laurell K. Hamilton, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Oscar Wilde, R. A. Salvatore, and Octavia Butler. She also is an avid lover of poetry and has been described by many past teachers as the next Sylvia Plath.

Linn spent much of her time in high school working for her school’s newspaper and yearbook, learning the ropes of how to write for an audience. In her senior year, she became the head editor of the newspaper where she learned how to edit and copywrite to produce the best newspaper that she could. Along with writing skills, Linn spent most of her high school years in the Symphonic and Concert Bands, playing the clarinet and bass clarinet which taught her pacing and patience when it comes to being creative in a group setting.

Besides having a multitude of writing creations always in the works, Linn also has been working on other projects such as a collection of graphic novels and poetry compilations that she is also wanting to publish. She believes that the more creative one can be in different platforms, the more successful one can be in the long run.

Linn has had several poems published in poetry compilations and sees these publications as small steppingstones of her goal as a published novelist. While she wants to publish novels, she will continue her second love of writing poetry for the world to view, alongside her novels.

Orion Kay Linn

  • Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
    Graduated December 2021
    Certificate in Online Teaching
  • Bachelor of Creative Writing and English
    Graduated June 2018
    Graduated Cum Laude | GPA 3.834
    Member of Sigma Tau Delta
  • She/Her/Hers | INFJ | Aquarius